Commonly known as lesser bindweed, European bindweed, or withy wind
Although it can produce attractive flowers, the field bindweed is a noxious weed in the State of Idaho due to the damage it can cause to crops. Field bindweed intertwines and topples native species. It is a hardy plant and competes with other species for sunlight, moisture and nutrients.
Control can be difficult for several reasons. The seeds can last as long as 50 years before germinating. Manual tilling can be somewhat effective. Planting competitive plants such as watermelon or squash can be helpful by reducing sunlight as field bindweed is a prostrate plant. The plant has a very complex root and rhizome system, so deep tillage can be somewhat effective. Cultivation is helpful. Reducing water to areas is also another option if other plants in the area are drought-tolerant as well. Chemical control is effective. Pre-emergents can be helpful in the right areas Using 2,4-D as a selective herbicide and glyphosate as a non-selective at the proper timing is a good start to controlling this weed.