
Elymus Repens

Weed: Quackgrass

Commonly known as common couch, twitch, quick grass, quitch grass (also just quitch), dog grass, or scutch grass.

Quackgrass, introduced from Europe, has long been a troublesome weed in the United States. It is widespread throughout Idaho, particularly in low-lying valley areas. It will grow in most soils, in cultivated fields, along ditch banks, in pastures and waste places. It is also found in lawns and can be an eyesore in a well-groomed turf area. It has creeping rhizomes that entangle with desirable plants and grasses.

Removal of species is best done in spring when ground is wet and softer, and the plants are younger. The rhizomes from Quackgrass can spread throughout a garden or yard quickly so early detection is key. When pulling, be sure to get entire root system. Otherwise, it will propagate from roots left behind. Mature plants are nearly impossible to eradicate by mechanical means. As with most weeds, the best control is a healthy lawn. Fertilizer high in nitrogen (like what we use at Protec) can choke out undesirables. However, Quackgrass can quickly take over a yard by choking out grass under stress. Chemical control is effective using a non-selective such as glyphosate. Some non-selective herbicides have been effective in turf but can be difficult if plant has matured.